The ore brines of Evenkia new base of the rare metal industry

Underground highly concentrated brines which are unique by bromine, iodine, magnesium, lithium and many other components concentration are widely spread in the territory of Evenkia forming gigantic deposits of the complex hydromineral raw materials together with the deposits of oil and gas (Sobinsk, Kuiumbinsk, Yurubchinsk).

The distribution of chemical elements in Evenkia oils and brines

Table 1

Periods Series of the concentration succession
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Íå*                    
2 LI Â                  
3 Ñl Ìg                
4 Ñà Ê Âr Zn Ìn Ñî Ñu Ñã V Ni
5 Sr Ðb J Jn Sb Sn Ñd Àg      
6 Âà Ðb Ti Hg Òà Au Hf        
  Sm Yb Eu                
Li - Potential hydromineral raw materials.
Ê - Microelements founded both in oil and brines.
* Helium in the composition of water-dissolved gases.

They are important as a new, non-traditional and complex source of mineral raw materials of high quality.

On the principle of hydro-geochemical zone distribution of hydro-geochemical parameters of the brines localized in Riphean-Ordovician reservoirs the zones of distribution and concentration of the elements in brines available for a highly effective obtaining lithium, strontium, boron, bromine, salt construction composition materials are fixed.

The most considerable exploited reserves of the industrial brines are concentrated in superficial bedded Low-Media-Cambrian and Ordovician reservoirs (table 2). In Riphean and Vendian reservoirs industrial brines are fixed in the zones of oil deposits localization, that is why they can be the most suitable basis for the production of the complex hydromineral raw materials because the process of the brines, oil output and wastes burial comprise an indivisible part of the technology of the deposits exploitation. The exploitation of the brines can be done both in indivisible technological scheme with oil output and independently.

The given meanings of the metal content in the brines

Table 2

Metal The given contents of metal, 103 per unit of the exact reservoir volume
Kostinsk Baikitsk Upper Paleozoic
Lithium 61,0 39,0 10,0
Bromine 840,0 890,0 680,0
Magnesium 1650,0 1540,0 860,0

With the help of the use of the new technologies mastered by and worked out for the new complex and first of all to rare-metal raw material sources, e.g. sorbtion technology, it is possible to create a large industrial base for obtaining the complex production, first of all of lithium salts for the use in aluminium, glass, ceramic industry.